Chinna Chinna Cinema is a films based reality show which came on the channel Puthuyugam TV. The series is a Tamil language one which came on every week on Sundays in between the one-hour time slot of 10 AM and 11 AM. The program features a new short story in each of its episodes. These short stories got shot by various directors, both renowned as well as upcoming, for different purposes. Most of these short films do not get screened or viewed by the larger audience under normal circumstances.
But the show gives all of these a platform and the viewers get a decent variety of entertainment as compared to the usual fare. Chinna Chinna Cinema presents a highly entertaining compilation of many different types of films which range across different genres. They are all highly interesting stories of a short duration and which keep audiences entertained and introduce them to some great quality filmmaking right in their own homes. With a fresh story in every enchanting episode, this series acts as a stage which got meant for some of the young and highly talented directors in the country. They get an opportunity for showcasing all that they have created to a wider audience and also to talk about their inspirations for the same.
This is truly a unique and brilliant opportunity which all these people get for highlighting what they have made. The program acts as a brilliant launch pad as well for aspirants to see for themselves how the viewers react to their films and to improve it one small bit at a time. These directors gain a lot of exposure and get to experiment with new and diverse ideas as well which can then get translated into something bigger. All the feedback they receive also help them to polish their craft and then go on to excel in this glamorous field of movies.
Chinna Chinna Cinema puts the directors and filmmakers in the spotlight as well by bringing them face to face with their target audiences. After each movie gets screened, the director gets quizzed by members of the general population for presenting their opinions and what all they thought about the movie. The movies get reviewed by a mixed batch of people belonging to both the world of journalism as well as mass communication. These students dissect the film from multiple angles and share their insights and discuss the message and take away as can get perceived from the movie. The director is open to discussing every bit about the film and answers all queries which relate to the subject of the film getting telecasted.