Aadithyan's kitchen is a cookery show telecasted on Jaya T.V. and it will sure to make you mouth-watering. Cooking shows educate us on how to cook properly, eat healthy food, how we can cook a particular thing in various manners and not get bored of eating the same food if it is cooked in a different way every time. Aadithyan is a popular music director, who was also an expert in cooking. He teaches the audience, varieties of dishes in no time and pulls them to watch the show. Aadhityan helped people to make simple and tasty dishes with the available ingredients at home. This show ran for eight years, successfully.
Another Version Of This Show
It is the television cookery show as Adithya as host and chef in the show. He cooks all the variety of foods in just ten minutes. Through this show, they provide faster ways and modern methods of cooking delicious food to people. He prepares vegetarian, non-vegetarian, and combo foods with both veg and non-veg. The show is famous because of the way and time of cooking. It answers people’s questions by giving simple dishes in a short time. Time-saving methods of cooking satisfy people’s needs. Not everyone can cook faster, but this shows challenges for cooking exclusive preparations quickly. Adityan presents the recipe and ingredients to cook so that people admire cooking. He tries out methods that are impossible for the people at home. Easy side dishes and tiffin recipes attract the kitchen queens. The combination that he reveals makes everyone mouth-watering like a combo with the mushroom and egg, and other such fast cooking dishes make everyone tempting.
As the only drawback, Adityan doesn’t make a recap so the people cannot review and replenish their memory about the dishes. But the time-consuming tiffin dishes add the extra feature to the show. He showcases each recipe using decorative garnishes so as the people experience the restaurant at home. Most cannot try hotel cooked dishes because it requires more effort and ingredients added to make it flavorsome remain hidden truths. But this show exemplifies the ease of cooking recipes available at star hotels with the ingredients available without high efforts. His language describing the procedure even makes everyone tempting.