Heenayaki Me Adare is a Sinhala TV show that premiered on ITN (Independent Television Network). Shantha Soysa directed this show. The show features Sri Lankan Entertainment industry’s talented cast like Shalani Tharaka, Nayomi Perera, Duleeka Marapana and, Ruwanthi Mangala. The show ‘Heenayaki Me Adare’ focuses on the themes of love, family and, social problems of Sri Lankan society. It not only talks about romantic love but also familial love and friendship. The characters in the show find themselves entangled in love, through which they learn to understand and maintain emotional connections with their loved ones. The show also explores the theme of family dynamics. It showcases that there are many joys in family life, but sometimes problems arise due to generational gap. It reflects the importance of family in Sri Lankan culture. The show also highlights social issues such as gender inequality, societal expectations and, cultural norms. These issues are reflected in the personal stories of show’s characters, providing the audience an opportunity to connect with their problems. This show helps to bring these social issues to the forefront of society.