Premiering on Colors Marathi on July 2nd of 2022, Lajjat Maharashtrachi was one among many famous and successful culinary shows, and just like them all, it was immensely loved by the audience and provided them with an entertaining gastronomic experience. The show was hosted by the famous Indian celebrity chef and author Varun Inamdar Varun Inamdar is a Celebrity Chef, YouTuber, autho >> Read More... , whose food and creations have been enjoyed by several world-renowned names, including Barack Obama, Narendra Modi Born on September 17, 1950, in Mehsana, Gujarat, N >> Read More... , the Khans, Kapoors, and many more. Varun strongly believed that the cuisine, food culture, recipes, and tastes of Maharashtra contained just about everything. It was a culmination of world culinary treasures. This show showcased some of the best recipes of Maharashtra of all time uniquely.
The audience saw some of their favorite actors and characters in each episode who would prepare their favorite dishes along with the celebrity chef host, Varun. The first week of the show saw the arrival of personalities like Hemangi Kavi Hemangi Kavi is a celebrated artist in the Marathi >> Read More... , Spruha Joshi Spruha Joshi is an Indian actress, who works predo >> Read More... , Nivedita Saraf, and many others. Every episode was filled with entertainment and included preparing fusion dishes and revamping classic recipes of Maharashtra. This was a good choice of a show for all those who loved to eat and those who loved to cook, all presented entertainingly.comiing soon...