Misha is a heartwarming Indian television serial. It aired in the year 2004 and released its last episode in 2005. Kedar Shinde Kedar Shinde is an actor, director, producer and s >> Read More... is the director of the serial. The show presents a unique combination of science fiction, family drama, and friendship. The storyline presents a connection between the human and supernatural world. The protagonists of the serial are aliens. Misha is the main character, who is an alien.
Bharti Archrekar plays the role of the senior alien, and Bharat Jadhav Bharat Jadhav is a well-known comedian and a film >> Read More... plays the role of the junior alien. Hrishikesh Joshi Hrishikesh Joshi is a famous Marathi actor. He wa >> Read More... plays the role of Dhananjay Desai. The serial includes many intriguing characters, such as Baba, played by Sanjay Khapre Sanjay Khapre has the original name Sanjay Narendr >> Read More... , and Appa, portrayed by Viju Khote Viju Khote is an Indian actor, and he has worked i >> Read More... . Sai Tamhankar Sai Tamhankar is a popular Indian actress born in >> Read More... portrayed the role of Mugdha, and Siddarth Jadhav Siddarth Jadhav is a Hindi & Marathi actor who is >> Read More... portrayed Jaggu.
The story revolves around Raja and Misha. Raja lives with his parents, Anu and Dhananjay Desai. Anu works in a bank, and Dhananjay is a music director. Both Anu and Dhananjay are very hardworking and prioritize their career. Due to this, Raja often felt a sense of loneliness. Raja craves attention and meaningful bonds. Misha is an alien who belongs to a different planet. Misha lost her way and ended up entering Earth. After Misha goes missing, the senior alien commands everyone to search for Misha. Meanwhile, Dhananjay gifts Raja a doll on his birthday.
The doll was more unusual than the other dolls. Soon, the doll starts speaking to Raja. Raja finds out that the doll is Misha, who is an alien. Raja and his friends start talking to Misha. They all become friends. The seniors of Misha discover that he is on Earth. They see Misha's presence on Earth as a threat. Misha can change the course of life on Earth and bring prosperity to the planet. Misha's positive impact on Earth can become threatening to his planet. The aliens decide to visit Earth and bring back Misha to prevent harm. Their arrival creates many problems for the humans. They create tensions and complications for Misha and often try to harm him.
Misha faces a dilemma to save his friends and create a balance between the two planets. The story takes many twists and turns before the conclusion of the show. The unusual storyline and supernatural fantasy fascinate the viewers. As the series unfolds, viewers go on an emotional journey filled with laughter, friendship, and the challenges of interplanetary relationships. Misha is a heartfelt serial.