Daivanthinte Rajyam is a show that helps one to know and testify the places that were mentioned in Bible. It takes its viewers on a tour of the world to acknowledge them of their culture, history and life of people. Telecasted on Athmeeya Yatra Tv, the show is aired at 9:00 pm. The running time of the show is approximately an hour.
The Bible has been divided into two testaments- the old and the new one. In brief, the old testaments that God made an agreement with a man named Abraham to guide his descendants into a great nation. The first few of the descendants left for Egypt, to avoid a famine in their own land. After many generations, they had greatly expanded their numbers and had become enslaved to the Egyptians. Then God sent a great leader and prophet, Moses, to lead the Hebrews out of custody into the Promised Land Click to look into! >> Read More... of Israel. During this time God gave Moses the Ten Commandments which are still evaluated as the basis for a moral life by both Jews and Christians. However, time and again, the Israelites lost sight of their mission and slumped into idol-worship, sin, and narrow-minded nationalism. Later, they foresaw the coming of a Messiah, a king who would usher in a golden era of peace and prosperity. The Israelites looked into the future, to the arrival of the Messiah, and to the fulfillment of God's pledge to Abraham to make his descendants a powerful nation.
The New Testament informs us of Jesus' birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection, the growth of the early Christian Church, and predictions of the second coming of Jesus. Jesus wandered from town to town, healing the sick and preached about the coming kingdom of God. He taught that God's kingdom is a spiritual kingdom that was now growing among faithful followers. He said he will find its fulfillment in the eventual governance rule of God and defeat of all evil.
Jesus said he will come again someday to bring God's kingdom to Earth. He vowed a wonderful eternal life after death for those who put their trust in God. He taught them that way to victory is not through force and violence, but through love, humility, and in assistance to mankind. The religious establishment of Israel saw Jesus as a threat to their religion. His claims of divine sovereignty. His refusal to follow most of their religious rules were seizing their authority over the people. This conflict ultimately led to Jesus' performance by crucifixion only three years after he had begun his own ministry.
Three days after his death, his body begun missing from the tomb, and over the next forty days, Many people saw him alive again and talking with his disciples. At the end of forty days, he moved to heaven, returning to God, His Father.
Some of the places which were mentioned in the Bible were the Palestinian territories, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Yemen. Some of the places mentioned in the new testament were Turkey, Greece, and Italy. It is an amazing show that helps one to learn about the unknown facts of Christianity. Everyone in the family can enjoy it together.