Comedy Street is a Malayalam television series. The concept of this show had opted from the original German Comedy Street television series. The original production released about two seasons of this season and more than fifty-seven episodes in total. The running time of each episode is about 22 minutes. The production company under whose banner this series was produced was Prime Productions, and the opening theme was the same one that had been used in the original production. Simon Gosejohann had created the format of the series.
The show entails a hidden camera which is subjected in public areas. The comedian usually dresses with different roles and the intent behind all these is to shock the passersby. Although the original German production was not that huge, the Malayalam version achieved to create an amazing image over its audience. The reaction given by the viewers of this show is remarkable. Many cities are covered while shooting this series. The comedian travels to different cities all over Kerala, and a few spots from the chosen cities are picked up to perform the acts.
The comedian then dresses up as the decided character, which is usually a comic personality, and then sneaks up to these spots as a normal civilian. After this comedian gets settled in a locality that is when he does various comic acts simultaneously to engage the passersby and shock them with these acts. The crew consists of one host, one camera unit, a production unit, and a director. When the host or the comedian performs, the others are usually hidden somewhere nearby. As the show depicts real life public video tapes, it has to go through a lot of procedures, and lots of things are supposed to be kept in mind while shooting these type of shows.
The director handles this entire aspect of the show. Sometimes the comedian comes to trouble because of the angered public, but this is where the crew jumps in to save the comedian and let the public know that it is a television show. The key intention behind this show was to engage a pinch of humour to daily television. The comic reference which was to be selected was thought to be kept as a real as possible; perhaps that is the reason why this format was chosen.
The real life reference to public humour is not something which is very innovative or new, but this show presents the funny tapes in such a manner that it is quite admirable for the viewers to watch and laugh throughout the show’s duration.