Manbhanjan is a Hindi language web series that aired in 2019 by Hoichoi. The series is directed by Abhijit Chaudhary, who features Anirban Bhattacharya Anirban Bhattacharya is an Indian-actor. He is a s >> Read More... as Gopinath Seal, Sohini Sarkar Sohini Sarkar is a recognized Indian Bengali film >> Read More... as Giribala, Amrita Chattopadhyay Amrita Chattopadhyay is an Indian- Actress. She is >> Read More... as Lobongo, Jeffrey Stanley as British Police Officer, and others. The series is one of the Rabindranath Tagore’s short stories. The series represents the story of a married couple, Gopinath and Giribala, during the time of the British government in India. Gopinath has lost interest in his wife and starts searching for others. He also lusts for wine or alcohol. Later, he starts visiting the theatre on a daily basis and looks for a only star, Labanga. He established a relationship with Labanga as an extramarital affair driven by his lust. The further story represents how his real wife, Giribala, conquered this situation.