Life Sahi Hai 2 is the second season of the popular Indian Hindi language buddy comedy show that released in 2016 with the same name. The show focuses on the life of four bachelor friends who live together in an apartment. The first season showed the problems that dealt with their jobs or relationships. The second season follows their lives after some gap. Now Amit and Jasjit are facing eviction notice from their building secretary. To deal with it, they have to find other roommates to replace Siddharth and Sahil. They look at a lot of guys but can’t find any suitable matches. The only guy that impresses them is Vaibhav, who seems to be a very calm and organized fellow. Vaibhav moves in with them and life is good.
One day Vaibhav accompanies Jasjit to his mother’s home where Jasjit meets his childhood rival Amandeep. Now he has to prove himself to be better than him. Vaibhav is busy thinking of an ad campaign that can save his job and Amit has gone to visit his childhood friend who has just had a breakup. Just like this the show takes trivial incidents from the boys’ life and puts a funny spin on it. Amit is played by Tarun Jain Born on 18th May 1985, he is an Indian actor, writ >> Read More... and Suhail Nayyar Suhail Nayyar is an Indian Film Actor. He worked i >> Read More... plays Jasjit Singh. The show has been produced by Luv Films. Life Sahi hai 2 was released on the OTT platform, Zee5. The second season garnered good ratings because of its funny writing and relatable characters with whom the young generation could connect to. They could see the characters going through the same things that they are going through which made the show extremely relatable to watch. The show dealt with friendship, relationship, corporate life, etc.