Indias Minute to Win It is a game show under the genre of games which broadcasts on AXN India. The show aired on January 12, 2011, as an adaptation of Minute to Win it international game show franchise where contestants play a task oriented game that needs to be achieved in sixty seconds. The motive of the show is to provide people with a break from their hectic schedule of life and on the other hand, make money by winning the show. The reward for the winner is set as an amount of Rs.10000000.
The show has many versions in India as well, produced in Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam the game is popular for its interesting and entertaining participation. It motivates the people with skills to complete tasks within the given time; these games are expressive and very hard to finish. The level of the game keeps on increasing with every new task and contestants eliminate on behalf of the failure to complete the one minute game in last. With this concurring series of games, finally a participant is left who achieves a win in all the tasks, and he is honoured with the cheque of one crore rupees.
Indias Minute to Win It’s host Gaurav Kapoor Gaurav kapoor is a famous Indian celebrity who is >> Read More... is a versatile, charming and active anchor who is famous for his role in the movie A Wednesday as Ajay Khanna Ajay Khanna is well known Executive chef at Radiss >> Read More... . Besides being an anchor, Gaurav is also an actor and television presenter; he is well-known for his hosting of Indian Premier League, Extra Innings T20. Gaurav begins his career as a Radio Jockey at the age of seventeen and soon became a loving Video Jockey at Channel V, a Hindi music channel. He has worked in many films later in his career; Ugli Aur Pagli, White Rainbow, Kudiyon Ka Hai Zamana, Chala Mussaddi- Office Office and Kai Po Che are some of his successful movies as a supporting actor.
Gaurav as an anchor is privileged by the EC Live Quotient Award 2013 for Best Anchor, a Media Personality. One of the best achievements of his life is to work with great actors like Naseeruddin Shah Naseeruddin Shah is an experimental actor and asso >> Read More... and Anupam Kher Anupam Kher is a very popular actor, director, and >> Read More... . Indias Minute to Win It is a volunteering show where an open opportunity is given to contestants to achieve a wealthy and respectable stature in society. It uplifts the standards of society along with entertainment and ideas of one-minute games. Many people have adopted the games played by contestants as in their house parties and social parties.
Another Version Of This Serial
Time is money and India’s minute to win it proves just that. Based on an international franchise the show comes to India to entertain the audience ad make people rich. The show was first aired in the year 2011 in AXN India. The show is originally under the ownership of NBC Universal but has been brought to India solely by AXN India from the original production house. The show follows the same format as the international one. The contestant of the show has 60 seconds to complete a series of tasks to win the ultimate prize.
Each participant is given a series of challenge which he/she must be able to complete in a minute or 60 seconds, by using day to day things like toothbrush, buckets, eggs, noodles, tumblers, empty cans, pizza trays and much more. Each game must be completed under a minute, but if the contestant is unable to complete the task within the given task, then the participant is eliminated. There are ten such innovative and gruelling levels which the participant has to complete to win Rs. 1 Crore. Although after the participant completes each level, he/she is granted with money.
For example, if the contestant completes the first level then he/she is awarded Rs. 10,000 and goes to the next challenge. However, if the contestant fails during a task, he/ she looses all the earned money. In order to make to loss a little less the third and the sixth level of the game promises the participant to take back the money allotted to the level, so once a contestant crosses third level or the sixth level then he/she will definitely go home with some money. For example, if a participant has reached the seventh level of the game and is unable to complete the task then he/she is eliminated with the amount of the sixth level.
The difficulty of each level is more than the previous level. The first level is the easiest, and the tenth level is the toughest. This is a fun based show and to maintain the fun quotient, the host too entertained the show. The host of the show is Gaurav Kapoor; he is witty, charming, funny and easy-going which fits the pattern of the show. The show will take the audiences on a topsy-turvy ride of excitement. This show will bring to the people real fun and entertainment where the audiences will see participants do crazy and nerve-wracking tasks within a minute.