Dhoom Macha De is an Indian musical reality show hosted by the beautiful actress, dancer, model, and VJ and TV presenter, Malaika Arora Khan. The show started on February 1, 2008 and was aired every Thursday and Friday under NDTV Imagine.
For the first time, some of India’s most famous and professional singers competes with each other and performed Live. Eleven artists like, Anaida,
Baba Sehgal
Babul Supriyo
Devang Patel
, Jaspinder Nirula, Jassi, Kamaa Khan,
Richa Sharma
Sapna Awasthi
Suneeta Rao
and Taz comes on this mega show and battle together. They need to do live performance according to their music genre; be it a folk song, reggae, rap and more.
Judges along with the viewer’s votes will adjudge the winner and will be awarded as the “Best LIVE Performer”, since the show requires each artist to perform live. Aside from the actions and wild performances, there are also some celebrity guests and judges that appeared in the show. Talented actress
Sharmila Tagore
, music director
Shankar Mahadevan
and writer
Prasoon Joshi
were some of the judges seen on Dhoom Macha De.
The show doesn’t aim to search for musical talent, but a captivating live performer from the list of already recognized singers.