Rakkt is an anthology tv show aired on Epic TV. It was in the Hindi language. It is a show in which they tell different stories related to the kings and queens used to rule different parts of India. The first season of the show was hugely popular on the channel, and makers made it for a second season. The second season of the show started in 2014. It was aired once a week. Each episode of the show was 21 minutes long. It had a total of 10 episodes in the second season. It is a show in which they share different stories related to great battles that took place in Indian history to change all the rules and rulers. In the show, they focused on showing all the great battles that were fought because of deceit, treachery, and betrayal.
The first episode of the show started by telling the great story of Sambhaji Bhosale. He was the son of Shivaji Maharaj who was the great emperor of Maratha. In the episode, it was shown how he had to fight different wars to maintain his kingdom. In another episode, the show featured the story of Ashoka and Sushumna. In the episode, it was shown that he assassinated his half brothers for thrones. It all started with Chandragupta Maurya Chandragupta Maurya was co-created by Sagar Expres >> Read More... , making one of the biggest empires in Indian history. He had a son named Bindusara. He then had two sons named Ashoka and Sushumna. Their father wanted Sushumna to be the king, but other people favored Ashoka. Ashoka was great in the war field and all the other things.
That is why he was favored. He became the king when his brother Sushumna was away on a trip to do some work. When he found out about this, he thought he should get revenge. He managed to enter the kingdom. He wanted to kill Ashoka’s pregnant wife but ends up killing his mother. Later Ashoka kills him and becomes an undisputed king. Later he became Buddhist after all the war when he had a change of heart.
In another episode, he told the story of Razia Sultan Razia Sultan belongs to the genre of Indian histor >> Read More... . She was the first Muslim woman who ruled India by the sultanate in Delhi. In the episode, it was shown that she was the daughter of Sultan Iltutmish. When he saw that his daughter is a great warrior and is capable of doing many things that his sons can not do. He wanted her to be the next queen. Many people said that it is wrong to choose a woman like a queen. Many people attempted to kill her and eliminate her. After becoming the queen, she was killed in an assassination. The show told many other great stories. To know more about it, watch the show on Epic TV. You can watch it online on the website of Epic TV.