Main Bushra is the narrative of a young lady who turns the casualty of simply such an attitude. The show belongs to Drama genre reflecting the thinking of normal people in our society. The show aired on the India’s only premium channel Zindagi. Sanam Mehdi wrote the serial with extreme emotions. The show is a creation of ARY Digital TV Channel and is directed by Ahmed Bhatti Ahmed Bhatti is an Urdu director. He works in Paki >> Read More... . The story reflects the thinking of ordinary people in our society. In our so-called contemporary society daughters are considered and treated as a burden. No doubt people want a son for continuous generations, but they dominate themselves that they have only daughters and not a son.
Parents having daughters only consider them criminals and cursed. They fail to accept the reality that it is the will of God. The story revolves around a young, educated and confident woman, Bushra Warsi (Mawra Hussain), daughter of Nasir and Sofia. Brought up in a household where she was constantly looked down upon by her very own father, Bushra has this, “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there” approach towards life and wants to prove to her father that daughters are equally, if not more, capable than sons. Amid all these brutal conditions, Bushra’s best friend, Aaliyah proves to be a voice of reason. Aaliyah’s husband was a gambler, and she was suffering in every possible way.
And that’s when she lost her will to go on with life and committed suicide. It was quite ironic how she gave up on life but never licensed Bushra to lose hope. The name ‘Bushra’ here holds importance because the meaning of Bushra is ‘glad tidings’ and when Nasir and Sofia got blessed with their third girl, people suggested if they name this daughter, ‘Bushra’, the child born after her will be a boy for sure. But after that, they have four daughters and not son. This thing infuriates Bushra’s father, and he blames Bushra for this.
On the other hand, Nasir’s contempt only serves to strengthen Bushra’s conviction. She supports her family in every way possible financially and emotionally, without uttering a word of disdain. She wants to feel pride for her in the eyes of her parents. She forgets that she is living in a male-dominated society that doesn’t give respect to a woman. Bushra is a brilliant student, and her teachers respect her. She has won various medals, but she sacrifices all just for her family.
It is a reality that daughters are more loving and caring for their parents than a son. It is a common issue of our society. For the first time, Sanam Mehdi has written it to force the people to think about a woman’s place in the society. The serial brought about a huge change in the thinking of people and proved to be a game changer.