It is a reality-based format show sponsored by Vodafone. The show started airing on SAB from the first of February 2008. The host of the show is Anu Kapoor, and Miditech conceptualises the show. Ten aspirants, six guys and four girls, from different parts of the country, are selected to be a part of this comedy-based reality show. The show expects participants to improve their humour skills to a level where they match the wit of a professional comedian. The winning pair has been promised a role in a movie that will be telecast on SAB.
Anooj Kapoor Anooj was a former SAB TV Channel business head. H >> Read More... , the Business Head of SAB TV has made many statements about the show, “This is not just another reality show to hit the TV screens. The show will be fresh and rejuvenating from the overdose of reality shows with repetitive formats running on television currently. It is sure to tickle your funny bone as the contestants are ordinary people without any acting experience. We intend to showcase the hidden talents of these people who otherwise would never have got this opportunity.
The show adds to an impressive line-up of innovative shows which refreshes our programming.” The show is planned to go on for 13 weeks, and the channel has its marketing concentrated on Below the Line activities in the small towns of the country. The entire concept of the show is based on teaching the basics of acting to the selected participants. The aspirants will be trained through a series of hilarious tasks that are meant to be serious. Sanjeev Kumar Sanjeev Kumar was born on July 9th, 1938 in Mumbai >> Read More... will act as a friendly teacher helping the participants whenever they need help while Aparna Kumar Aparna Kumar is a super model and actress. She was >> Read More... (Model) will be playing the role of the strict warden of the house.
Pradeep Raghunath plays a peon making this show full of fun. Living in the same house, the contestants will be under the eyes of cameras all twenty-four hours of the day. The judge’s panel will be comprising of a variety of celebrities who will be judging the contestants based on the nuances of comedy acting which the contestants will learn and improve and the show progresses. The show is a perfect fit under the category of family TV shows as it mixes the spice of a reality TV show with the fun of a comedy show. SAB TV has therefore decided to air the show at 08:00 pm as it is the best time to air family shows.