Crayon Shin- Chan which is also known as Shin Chan, is a Japanese manga series which has been written and illustrated by Yoshito Usui. The script is about the life of a five-year-old child Shinnosuke Nohara who was commonly called as Shin. He used to live with his parents, baby sister and a dog. It deals with his all the pranks done to them and the things he uses to do in his school and trouble his teacher. The series has also been adapted into the anime series. The show has also been dubbed in many languages and was a hit worldwide.
The series has been aired on Hungama TV in India on June 19, 2006. The episodes have also been dubbed in Tamil, Hindi and Telugu languages. The songs which Shin- Chan used to sing in the show which had also been changed into parodies in popular Bollywood hits. Due to a controversy over the behaviour, style and attitude of Shin- Chan towards the elders displayed in the show; the elders filed cases with the Parents and Teachers Association protested about the serial, claiming that the series was a depraved role model for kids and teaching them all bad habits.
His regular jokes were becoming abusive for the mind- set of small children and hence it was decided to remove the airing of the show. Even the phrases used in the episodes were such that should not be changed into another language, and thus there was some difficulty in understanding these phrases and words. The series was banned from October 2008 by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (GOI). Before the prohibition in India, the show gained a lot of popularity among the Indian audience and became a famous show among children.
Thus the Hindi version of Shin- Chan gained a lot of popularity and achieved up to 50-60% market share. After a lot of demand from the public, the Censor board again started the show but after many editing done in each and every episode. Thus it re-started on March 27, 2009. All the mature puns were translated into childish ones so that it does not affect the mindset of small children. There is a total of 900 episodes of this series. The show was a hit at the earlier time of its release.
Later on suffered a setback due to the language, it was using and the way it showed the behaviour of children towards their elders. Thus, in the end, it wasn’t getting that much high TRPs which it got in the earlier release of the show.