This show is merely a talent show aired on TV 2. It is a Norwegian show to spread the glory of Britain. The program was hosted by '
Marte Stokstad
Marte Grønvold Stokstad known as Marte Stokstad wa >> Read More...
', '
Solveig Kloppen
Solveig Kloppen who was born on 10th of June 1971 >> Read More...
' and '
John Brungot
John Brungot is an English Movie actor whose work >> Read More...
'. This show was exclusively for Britain participants to establish their talents. There was more competition and it was always a big deal for the juries to pick out the winner. This show was aired since March 2011. This season covered 12 episodes including the semifinals and the final.
Each episode was about 45 minutes. The rankings were done byAdil Khan, Mia Gundersen and Alex Rosen. The program held at various locations including Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Dommercamp, etc. Auditions were at Trondheim and the finals at Oslo. The cash prize for the winner was a huge amount of 500,000NOK. This show has more viewers irrespective of age. The participants were promoted to various levels including semi-finals 1, semi-finals 2, semi-finals 3, semi-finals 4 and finals to decide the winner.
One participant was allowed through
Wild Card
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and that was Berge Ohm. The participants of Semi-finals 1 were Hans HenrikVerpe, King Wings Crew, 20MOFO, Maria, Berge Ohm, HavardSolem, BogdonAlin Ota, SiljeBogetvit and Stine Jensen, known for their talents at Magic, Breakdance group, Abstraktrap group, Songs, Vocal / guitar, Rapper, Compose / piano, Drag Art, Rhythmic gymnastics and songs respectively. The participants of Semifinals 2 wereNanna and Sami, Thomas Valeur, Thunderstorms, Semtex, Michael Sundby, TofanBashash, Sunniva, Belis, and Reel Rhythm, known for their talents at Singing and guitar, Spanish guitar, Electric boogie dance, Pyro Juggling, boxing, Rap, Opera, Rhythmic gymnastics and Irish folk dance respectively.
The Norske Talenters of Semi-finals 3 and Semi-finals 4 were Intros Cheer Crew, Green Granada, ParkourSogndal, "Scammers”, Kongolo Bros, Jan ThoreGrefstad, Daniel Johansen Elmrhari, HuldaEliraThorkelsdottir, “The Blossom" troop, Bjorn Arne, Estetique, Armand, Crossfire, Curl Power, GroMarit Larsen, Oskar Nybraten, Snow Boyz, Three Generation team and Stine Mari Long Beach and are appreciated for their talents at Cheerleading, Band, free running, Rap group, African song / dance, Sang, Dance, songs and trapeze artist, Strength, Dance Group, Breakdance , Band, Dance, Singer, Piskor, Rap / box , Song / Piano and Opera respectively. The Norske Talenter's at the finals were TordKorsvold, Three Generations, BogdanAlin Ota, IntrosCheer Crew, Sunniva, King Wings Crew, GroMarit Larsen, Daniel J. Elmrhari and Berge Ohm. Daniel J. Elmrhari bagged the first prize along with cash award.