The Grand Budapest Hotel Trailers,Teasers, Video & Songs
The Grand Budapest Hotel is a comedy written, directed, and produced by Wes Anderson, known for his unique visual and narrative style. The movie supports a stellar cast of actors all acting in their element which makes this such a charming story. The plot centers around the concierge, played by Ralph Fiennes, who tries to prove his innocence in a murder case with help from the Lobby Boy, played by Tony Revolori. The trailer starts off with the narrative featuring the view of the various elements of the hotel and the guests. The colors and visuals are vibrant and gives a nostalgic feeling. After the arrival of the police the trailer follows a change in pace.
The movie is hilarious without trying too hard. The film has a brisk rhythm without leaving anyone in the dark and the various parts mesh together to make a coherent whole. There are many stories in the movie, all completely intertwined with the other giving us a great cinematic journey. The cast for the film are all prominent actors including Bull Murray, Jude Law, Edward Nortan,Owen Wilson, and Murray Abraham to name a few. The movie won several accolades for its acting and screenplay. It has won a Golden Globe Award and amassed nine Academy Award nominations. The film is one of Anderson’s best works that brings out giggles, tears, and wistfulness out of the audience.