Gaami is an adventure thriller written and directed by Vidyadhar Kagita Vidyadhar Kagita is an Indian film director and sc >> Read More... . Pratyush Vatyam Bio coming soon... >> Read More... has co-written the script for this film. Karthik Sabareesh Karthik is a producer who works in the Telugu film >> Read More... and Swetha Moravaneni have co-produced this film. This film has been distributed under the combined banner of Karthik Kult Kreations, V Celluloid, VR Global Media, Swetha Vahini Studios Ltd, and Clown Pictures. Vishwanath Reddy Chelumalla and Rampy Nandigam Bio coming soon... >> Read More... are the cinematographers, while Raghavendra Thirun Sandeep B is an Indian film editor who is recalled >> Read More... is the editor of this film. This film stars Vishwak Sen in the lead role. The supporting cast of this film includes Chandani Chowdary, Abhinaya, Harika Pedda, Dayanand Reddy Dayanand Reddy Kodavatiganti is an Indian film dir >> Read More... , Mohammad Samad Mohammad Samad is an Indian actor, who started his >> Read More... , etc. The film got a theatrical release on 8 March 2024.
The film revolves around a reclusive Aghora, whose name is Shankar. He has a rare condition of touch starvation, and he is looking for Maali leaves, which are the cure for his condition. There is a catch: those leaves blossom only once in 36 years on the Dronagiri mountain, deep in the Himalayas. As he sets out to achieve the impossible, he is accompanied by a Devadasi from Andhra Pradesh, and a scientist conducting illegal clinical trials at a facility near the India-China border to find a cure for a disease. Will he make it?
Star Performances
Nobody would believe by looking at this film that this is the work of a debutant director. However, that’s Vidyadhar Kagita for you.
The visuals are almost close to ethereal. The other people in the technical department, have also done their job to near perfection.
Vishwak Sen should be thoroughly appreciated for daring to invest in such a project. The way he has portrayed the role of Shankar is phenomenal. So is most of the supporting cast, with Chandni Chowdary and Harika Pedda being the standout performers.
How would you feel if you were affected by just a simple touch? When you learn that the only solution is a rare herb, that grows once in almost four decades, what is the option? Would you go the extra length to secure that one hope of redemption?
‘Gaami’ is the journey of one such hopeful man. It is also a reflection of the sea change that Telugu cinema is undergoing. The quality of visuals, as well as the amount of effort the entire crew has invested, is quite visible.
For several moments, you find it almost unbelievable that this is the work of a first-time director. Yet, Vidyadhar Kagita has seamlessly integrated some of the cultural folklore with modern elements, which will also in a way remind you of the classic that was ‘Karthikeya 2’.
The acting performances in this film are nothing less than brilliant. Vishwak Sen is well known for taking risks. But even most of his ardent fans wouldn’t have expected the transformation he would be willing to take as an Aghora. Other actors have done full justice to their roles, be it Chandini Chowdary Chandini Chowdary is a Telugu actress known for ac >> Read More... as the mysterious scientist, or Harika Pedda. Mohammad Samad marks his presence in a brief, yet significant role.
The only flaw that probably prevents this film from becoming an absolute masterpiece is the time taken to build the narrative. While the second half is full of thrills and good twists, the first half took quite a time to build the narrative for the film. However, the second half more than made up for it.
What's There?
What's Not There?
‘Gaami’ is that one rare film, that takes time to build, but by the time the film comes to an end, the viewers are more than satisfied. As a debutant, Vidyadhar Kagita has done a phenomenal job, and Vishwak Sen proves his mettle yet again. The pace of the first half could have been slightly faster, but the second half more than makes up for it. Watch if you have a knack for something more innovative, more unconventional.      Â
Vidyadhar Kagita
02 Hour 27 Minutes
Sanjay Ratha
Mohammad Samad, Dayanand Reddy, Rajiv Kumar Aneja, Chandini Chowdary, Chandini Chowdary
Naresh Kumaran
Plot revolves around Drama, etc.
No, it's rated A
No, it will be available soon on Zee 5
Raghavendra Thirun