Plot: Thor expects to be the heir to the kingdom of Asgard, as his father is getting older. During the day of crowning, Thor comes down with brutal force on enemies of God. The enemies barge into the huge palace unheeding the agreement they entered with Gods. Thor has to descend down to Earth as a ruthless punishment from his father, Odin. The characters are very naive, and the whole plot appears unbelievable. Audiences are drawn to the present, down to earth characters in the movie. And suddenly with a jerk, they wake up to another scene with the warriors in it. The human characters in the movie gaze at Thor with amusement, movie audiences do the same. Also, there is a lot of derisiveness in the movie.
The movie is a visual treat to the fans, and few post production works add luster to the movie. Even a 3D movie would not amuse fans as Thor does. The movie direction, the actors in it and the movie’s design are impeccable. The audiences are not conscious of the two hours passing by. The audiences are pinned to their seats, and get back the value for the money spent on the movie ticket. Before the release of the movie, there was prevalent criticism that the movie would just jump out of a comic book. But, as even critics watch the movie, Thor, they would realize their folly.
Verdict: The movie is clearly fantasized, and if you are after fantasy, it is the right choice.