Julius Avery has directed the movie Overlord. Jovan Adepo, Mathilde Oliver, Wyatt Russell, Iain De Caestecker, and Jacob Anderson are the actors in the movie.
Overlord is a movie that is set during
World War II
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. A group of American soldiers are on a mission on the eve of D-Day and their plan is to take down a German radio tower in a church in a small French village. Unfortunately, their plane crashes and numerous soldiers lose their lives. However, some soldiers, along with Boyce who is a young soldier, survives the crash. Boyce, together with the soldiers who have survived the crash, continue their mission and are determined to complete it. Soon, they reach the French village and a young local woman helps them hide. They soon make a horrifying discovery, that the Germans are conducting demented experiments on the villagers and resurrecting the dead to create super zombie-like soldiers. The American soldiers are forced to fight against these unnaturally strong monsters. In the end, the American army and Boyce not only have to destroy the radio tower but also have to stop the experiments and most importantly, survive and escape.
Star Performance
Jovan Adepo’s performance is excellent.
Wyatt Russell has also acted outstandingly.
All the actors have given a flawless performance and the pacing of the film is perfect. The film’s characters have personalities that are easy for audience to connect with, and the lead characters have good chemistry between them. The excitement and intensity in the film makes it feel as though one is playing a very intense video game, because of the surplus of action and violence. The soundtrack used is powerful and suits the film. The visual effects are excellent. However, some graphics are a bit overdone.
What’s There?
• The film has a lot of bloodshed and gore.
• The film is filled with violence.
• There are plenty of monsters and zombies in the film.
• All the actors have performed brilliantly and the film’s pace is perfect.
• The film’s characters are intriguing, and have good chemistry between them.
• The soundtracks in the film are awesome.
• The film’s visuals and special effects are also excellent.
What’s Not There?
• Some of the graphics have been overdone.
This film has a lot of violence and bloodshed so those who are sensitive to such scenes must not watch. However, apart from that, the film is pretty good and recommended for all horror/thriller.
Action, Horror, Thriller, Sci Fi, War
Julius Avery
01 Hour 50 Minutes
Jovan Adepo, Wyatt Russell, Mathilde Ollivier, Pilou Asbæk, John Magaro, Iain De Caestecker, Jacob Anderson, Dominic Applewhite, Gianny Taufer, Joseph Quinn, Bokeem Woodbine, Erich Redman, Mark McKenna, Hayley Carmichael, Marc Rissmann, Meg Foster, Sarah Finigan, Gunther Wurger, Bart Lambert, Michael Epp, Tom Mothersdale, Ross Tomlinson, Alison Thea-Skot, Ben Tavassoli, Shubham Saraf, Andy Wareham, Nick Roeten, Patrick Brammall, Anti, Hélène Cardona, Adam Collins, Shawn Dixon, David Evestaff, James Galvin, Ethan Keaton, Scott Legg, Jorge Leon, Mickey Lewis, Éva Magyar, Mylo Roberts, James Thomas Scott, Dean Weir, John Whitby, Chris Wilkinson, Ryan Wiseman, Gunter Würger
Plot revolves around Action, Horror, Thriller, Sci Fi, War, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA
No, it will be available soon on Amazon Prime Video
Matt Evans
Grant Armstrong, Ravi Bansal, Jordana Finkel, Joe Howard, James Lewis, Tarnia Nicol, Loic Zimmermann, Christiane Barbknecht, Graham Barford, James Battison, Zachary Baze, Paul Beeson, Richard Bennett, Alain Bety, Rebecca Blake, Greg Brown, Daniel Burke, Richard Caron, Chester Carr, Ben Carty, Ian Chapman, Greig Cockburn, Dean Coldham, Dan Crandon, Ian Crooks, James Dean, Irene Dimarca, Garry Fisher, Darren Flindall, Michelle Franklin, Bruce Gallup, Kevin Harris, Patrick Harris, Steve Harris, Lucy Hassan, Ian Hazlewood, Maya Henson, Ben Hopwood, Neil Hornshaw, Rhys Ifan, Wyn Jenkins, Josie Kealy, Jody King, Eva Kuntz, Keely Lanigan-Atkins, Dominique Law, Tim Lee, Frankie Leeming, Laura Livingstone, Jake Lunt Davies, Tom Macken, Ella Mango Chow, Tony Marks, David Masson, William McCann, Adam McCreight, Laura McDonald, JP McHugh, Chris Melgram, Mike Mowatt, James Patrick Munro, Jen Murphy, Ben Murray, Oli Novadnieks, Josh O\'Neill, Lee Oliver, Seb Palmer, Kurt Papstein, Steve Partridge, Katherine Pearl, Chris Peters, John Pickersgill, Christopher Pigott, Theofano Pitsillidou, Tony Power, Agis Pyrlis, Miguel Quina, Matthew Ramm, Elias Ravanetti, Steffen Reichstadt, Joanne Ridler, Paul Rigby, Mark Rudd, Farid Sandoval, Matt Sargent, Ellie Shanks, Jamie Shelley, Josh Sheppard, Luke Sheppard, Jack Short, Alexander Simkin, Nick Slater, Gareth Sprey, Chikako Suzuki, Kristin Theyers, David Tinto, Jake Ventris, Robert Voysey, Mark Wallis, Stuart Walpole, Randolph Watson, David Mathew Weeks, John Whitby, Lucy Williams, Tracey Wilson, Mathias Zamecki, Andrew Palmer
Michael Bevis, Kaniez Braganza, Daryl Bristow, Sue Clewett, Ursula Crocker, Esme Curtis, Holly Freeman, Anna Maria Genuise, Beth Herd, Nina Jagersbacher, Sarah Lau, Callum Martin, Martin McShane, Peter Paul, Stacey Clare Richards, Claire Tremlett, Anna B. Sheppard
Jon Henson
Marco Alfaro, Raine Anderson, Fernando Arbelaez, Andres Alvarez Argalle, Taylor Armstrong, Ivan Arsic, Austin Baerg, Mark Bakowski, Tricia Barrett, Michael Bauer, Alexis Bechet, Marie-Eve Bedard-Tremblay, Loïc Beguel, Rachel Bouchard, Andrée-Anne Bouffard-Verreault, Louise Brand, Emilien Breuillier, Aaron Brown, Chrysta Marie Burton, Andre Bustanoby, Jessica Bédard, Mark Casey, Miguel Castrillo, Moïse Charest, Julie Charron, Stephane H. Chaya, Simon Chiu, Gaël Chopin, Annie Cliche, Marie-Joëlle Clément, Didier Coup-Fabiano, Marie-Pier Couture-Alain, Jean-Michel Cristofaro, Kristofer Cross, Romain Côte, Lisa Deaner, Camille Deguire, Antoine Desilets, Vincent Desjardins, Plamen Dimitrov, Emily Do Amaral, Jeff Doran, Maksim Doslo, Jean-Alexandre Dufour, Mathieu Dupuis, Samuel Durocher, Pauline Duvall, Ümit Dönmez, Hala El Morajji, Jasmine Eladas, James Fouche, Michel Frenette, Nathan Gardner, Audrey Geoffroy, John Gibson, Gabriel Giguère, Kevin Gilbert, Susan Greenhow, Michael Leigh Gresham, Anthony Guiry, Joshua Guitar, Maria Jose Herrera, Jep Hill, Melissa Huerta, Samuel Jacques, Daehwan Jang, Quan Jiang, Fady Kadry, Ara Khanikian, Alyson Lamontagne, Isabelle Langlois, Mathieu Lapierre, Eric Larivee, Maxime Laurent, Jimmy Lavallée, Marc Lebuis, Maxime Letertre, Richard Lim, Russell Lum, Daniel Lupien, Rebecca Matkaluk, Colin McBain, Bradleigh McKay, Victor F. Medel, Alejandro Miranda Palombo, Paul V. Molles, David Monfette, Sébastien Moreau, Alexandre Morin, Christian Morin, Jean-Francois Morissette, Jonathan Moulin, Olivier Nadeau, Naren Naidoo, James Naud, Sylvain Nouveau, Adam O\'Brien-Locke, Chloé Ostiguy, Jinnie Pak, Alexandra Papavramides, Louis-David Paquette, Sehwi Park, Dan Pearson, Antoine Petitgand, Duy Pham, Maxime Philippon, Xenia Pirojenko, Patrice Poissant, Etienne Poulin St-Laurent, Joana Powell, Sébastien Raets, Mahmoud Rahnama, Karthic Ramesh, Marianne Roberge, Dylan Robinson, Matthew Rouleau, Marine Rousselet, Jean-Marc Rulier, Harrison Rutherford, Dennis Schmidt, Brian Schultz, Dan Seddon, Randal Shore, Natalie Smith, Ben Soan, Jordan Soles, Laurent Spillemaecker, Nathan Srigley, Jean-Michel St-Pierre Lapierre, Anthony Stedman, Michael Stubblebine, Robert Sutherland, Bee Jin Tan, Panat Thamrongsombutsakul, Matt Todaro, Alexandra Torelli, Mai-Anh Tran, Amelie Tremblay, David Tremblay, Stefano Trivelli, Aurore Turbé, Alexandra Turmel, Dimitri Uradovskiy, Dan Urrutia, Felix Vallieres, Phi Van Le, Opale Vezina, Vincent Vezina, Jean-Philippe Voyer, James Yeoman, Hubert Zapalowicz, Dustin Lee Abram, Karthik Adepu, Ben Alepko, Matthew Almeida, Matt Anderson, Cheryl Bainum, Tom Balogh, James Banville, Parisa Behvar, Didier Bertrand, Timothy Blake, Christopher Bloomer, Joao Bogossian, Ariane Boisvert, Dawid Borkiewicz, Rigel Bowen, Anton Brand, Lilian Bravo, Christine Breuninger, Arnaud Brisebois, Jon Caldwell, David Cam, Caleb Carr, Omar Garcia Castaneda, Christophe Chabot-Blanchet, Katherine Chambers, Martin Chamney, Michael Chan, Can Chang, Kirk Chantraine, Guillaume Charron, Sujun Chen, Aaron Chiesa, Yi-Hsuan Kent Chiu, Myong Choi, Robin Chow, Paul Churchill, Juliette Compignie, Benjamin Conner, André-Pierre Cormier, Dan Cortez, Philippe Cournoyer, Craig Crane, Jaume Creus, Chris Debski, Andres Delia, Peter Dell, Maxime Desforges, John Dinh, Spencer Dinney, Robert Dorris, Keegen Douglas, Valérie Dugas, Alain Durocher, Robin Dutta, David Décoste, C. Michael Easton, Vincent Escueta, Salina Farkas, Selena Farkas, Jean-François Ferland, Julian Foddy, Cheri Fojtik, Francine Fontaine, Jessica Francoeur, Wes Franklin, Alan Fregtman, Andréann Gagnon, Reza Gharooni, Alexandre Giguère, Prashant Goel, David Gottlieb, Todd Greshuk, Ismaël Gros, Omar Gudjonsson, Jeanlin Guillaume, Quentin Guittard, Thomas Hallé, Trey Harrell, Andrew Hsu, Bryan Hsu, Yosuke Inomata, Yvon Jardel, Anne-Gaelle Jolly, Jama Jurabaev, Michael Karp, Kate Kazokas, Tricia Kim, Dan Knight, Carsten Kolve, Amit George Kuruvilla, Thilo Kuther, Felder Kwek, Sujung Kwon, Matthieu Labbe, Charles Labbé, Alain Lachance, Marie-Claude Lafontaine, Ganesh Lakshmigandan, Harry Lam, Adrien Lambert, Alberto Landeros, Maxime Lapointe, I Hsuan Lee, Patrick Lemay-Hardy, Wesley Lemieux, Janek Lender, Matt Leonard, Anne-Claire Leroux, Derick Loo, Stuart Lord, Joaquin Ludewig, Jakob Lundbye, Laura Macfadyen, Jason Madigan, Dean Mangion, Sophie Marfleet, Ryan Matijcio, Amaury Matu, Chris McCrowe, David McKay, Jason McKeeman, Brandon McMenamin, Scott Mease, Oleg Memukhin, Simon Mercier, Daniel Moreno, Olivier Barbes Morin, Andy Mower, John Murnaghan, Pierre-David Myles, Per Mørk-Jensen, Steve Nichols, Valérie Nicol, Jeremy Nicolaides, Jonathan Niquet, Aline Onoe, Andris Pakalns, Ian Parra, Prakash Pathak, Matt Pearson, Michael Pecchia, Anthony Peck, Graham Peddie, Kristian Pedlow, Ssu-Wei Peng, Ann Perreault, Rohan Ponda, Paige Prokop, Romina Rabti-Zolpirani, Jacquelyn Racine, D.J. 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