Nyad is an American biographical sports drama directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin. It is a biography of swimmer Diana Nyad, written by Julia Cox. The film is Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin's narrative feature directorial debut. The music is by Alexandre Desplat Alexandre Desplat, whose full name is Alexandre Mi >> Read More... , and the cinematography is by Claudio Miranda. Christopher Tellefsen edited the film. The movie is produced by Luca Borghese, Julia Cox, Michael Heimler, Vanessa Humphrey, Bill Johnson, and others. The VFX and special effects are executed by Fabricio Aquino, Radhames Bido, Diego Fabian Lozada Bocanegra, George A. Cabrera, Jaime Castillo, Fabrice Pathier, Mohamed Abdou, Ankita Agrawal, Eduardo Aguirre, Kondlekar Akshay Akshay Kondlekar is a visual effects artist based >> Read More... , Katie Annand, Syed Arafath Apsar, and many others. The movie features Annette Bening One of the most remarkable actresses that hit silv >> Read More... , Jodie Foster An Academy Award winner; a very talented and lovel >> Read More... , Rhys Ifans Theatrical training really helps when it comes to >> Read More... , Anne Marie Kempf, Carolyn McCormick, Pearl Darling, Johnny Solo, Anna Harriette Pittman, Eric T. Miller, and Hanler Rodriguez.
Nyad is a biography of swimmer Diana Nyad. The movie narrates the efforts of Diana Nyad, an open-water swimmer in her sixties, to swim from Havana to Key West, Florida. The film displays the struggles and challenges faced by Nyad in her journey towards success with her best friend as her coach and a dedicated team.
Star Performance
Annette Bening, Jodie Foster, and Rhys Ifans have delivered an extraordinary performance. Annette Bening's performance as Diana Nyad, a sixty-year-old swimmer in her sixties, struggling to fulfill her dream is remarkable. Jodie Foster as     Bonnie Stoll, Nyad's best friend and coach, has played her role flawlessly. Rhys Ifans as John Bartlett, the captain of the boat cruising along Nyad, engages the audience with his wittiness and adds captivating aspects to the movie.
The story revolves around Diana Nyad (Annette Bening) and her dream to swim from Havana to Key West, Florida. After an initial failure, she retired at the age of 28. She is determined to fulfill her dream at any cost, in her sixties. Her longtime best friend and coach Bonnie Stoll (Jodie Foster) steps in to help her to achieve her goal. The movie perfectly portrays the struggles of an open-water swimmer. It displays the emotional and physical stress of Diana Nyad, along with the difficulties of swimming in the sea for 56 hours. The numerous challenges faced by Nyad, including encounters with sea creatures like sharks, stingrays, and jellyfish, exhaustion, extreme cold, saline water exposure, and hallucinations induced by long hours of swimming, are portrayed realistically. The movie concentrates on the willpower and determination of Nyad to never give up on her dream even after four failed attempts. Bonnie Stoll's never-ending support of Nyad as a best friend and trainer warms the audience's heart. The flashbacks of Nyad's past, showing her strained relationship with her father and her trauma of sexual abuse by her swim coach at age 14, make the audience teary. The sacrifices and determination of her team to lead Nyad towards success are captivating.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
Nyad is an uplifting sports biopic which portrays a very inspiring event. The outstanding performances from Annette Bening and Jodie Foster connect the audience to the essence of the movie and make it worthwhile to watch.
Drama, Biography, Sports
Jimmy Chin, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi
02 Hour 01 Minute
Carolyn McCormick
Plot revolves around Drama, Biography, Sports, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA