Alex Wolff is an American singer, songwriter, guitarist, drummer, and actor. He is best known for the performance in The Naked Brothers Band, which was a Nickelodeon musical comedy series produced by Polly Draper, who is his mother. He also acted in the serial In Treatment in 2010 which was a television medical drama. He is well recognized for his...
Djimon Hounsou is an actor from Benin, which is a country in Africa. Hounsou’s date of birth is 24/04/1964 which happened in the city of Cotonou which is the largest city of Benin. Once Djimon got introduced to Thierry Mugler, a successful fashion designer who motivated Hounsou to enter into modeling field. Initially, he appeared in the music videos by...
John Burke Krasinski is a man of multiple talents. He took birth in Newton, Massachusetts in a family confined to his parents Mary Clare and Ronald Krasinski. He grew up in a cross culture family with his mother being Irish-American and father being Polish American. The passion for acting drove him to the theatre early and he began acting in...