Jesse Adam Eisenberg is an American author, actor, humorist and playwright. His began his debut in television with Get Real, the short-lived drama series. Jesse’s got his first leading role in the film Roger Dodger, a comedy-drama film. He also made appearances in films like The Village (psychological thriller), The Emperor’s Club and The Squid and the Whale. He also...
Aziz Ansari is both a comedian and actor from America known for playing Tom Haverford in the NBC-produced “Parks and Recreation,” and Dev Shah on his television show, Master of None. Aziz was born to parents, Shoukath and Fatima Ansari, in Columbia, South Carolina. His family relocated to Bennettsville, South Carolina, where Ansari pursued his education at the South Carolina...
Ruben Samuel Fleischer is a film director, television producer, film producer, commercial director, and music video director from the United States. He was born on October 31, 1974, in Washington, DC, USA. Currently, he lives in Montclair, New Jersey. He started his professional career in the year 2000. He was born to Karen Lee and David Elliot Fleischer, a physician...