The grand gala opening ceremony of the Indian Super League has started in a mind boggling way. The opening ceremony gets the honor with the presence of the stunning celebrities of India. Yes, this ceremony had the former Miss World Aishwarya Rai, Indian Super Star Rajini Kanth, the Oscar Hero A. R. Rahman and The Master Blaster
Sachin Tendulkar
. Sachin… this man still has diehard fans and he stole the show. Aishwarya Rai’s exquisite dance movements fed the famished fans. Aish danced gracefully for her hit songs that include Dhoom and Dola Re. Alia Bhat also whirled for her part. The ceremony was hosted by
Arjun Kapoor
. A. R. Rahman stunned everyone with the National Anthem. The stunning moment was, when Rajini hugged the Master Blaster Sachin. What a pleasant moment, it was! Though the ceremony was for the Football, it was harmonious when Sachin and Rajini entered the stadium! Nothing is exaggerated, when we say Rajini and Sachin mastered the ceremony!