Raghu Raja Bhatia is a young television actor who has reached his peak of fame by doing the serial called Suvreen Guggal, aired on channel V in the year 2012. The main focus of the serial is to bring to the audience the perils residing in the society and how the social reforms as suggested by the protagonist of the show, Suvreen, helps in bringing out these social changes. Here, Raghu plays the role of Mannu, who is a second year student of college who is interested in everything else except academics. He falls for the protagonist’s friend Naro, and supports her through her bad times and helps her fight back against her abusive husband. He also plays very good friends with Yuvraj and Rathi, who are other characters of the show.
He has the current celebrity ranking among television actors of 2163, and that of last week was 2237. His peak of fame was in August 2012, when he reached the ranking of 785. He is basically from Delhi, but is currently living in Mumbai. He has graduated from the Institute for Integrative Learning in Management. He is a good singer too. His hobbies include, playing guitar, blabbering and singing, as per his Facebook profile.