Here are the celebrities born on 12th July 1909! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Emile Czaja, Vivian Vance
Lived For 56 Years
Bimal Roy - (Director)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 24
Aayush Upadhyay - (Actor)
Age Now 38
Agnelo Peter Carvalho - (Contestant)
Age Now 84
Ahmed Aqeel Ruby - (Writer)
Age Now 41
Ajay Hooda - (Model)
Lived For 86 Years
Alok Ranjan Dasgupta - (Poet)
Age Now 57
Amber Khan - (Actress)
Age Now 46
Amit Varma - (Writer)
Anbazhagan - (TV-Actor)
Lived For 39 Years
Andrew Jones - (Producer)
Age Now 39
Andrew Lees - (Supporting Actor)
Age Now 35
Anindya Sain - (Actor)
Age Now 42
Anthony Yeh - (Contestant)
Lived For 69 Years
Anwar Hossain - (Cinematographer)
Age Now 47
Arusam Madhusudhan - (TV-Actor)
Age Now 28
Arya Dhayal - (Singer)
Age Now 52
Ayushi Sharma - (Celebrity-Relative)
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