Here are the celebrities born on 06th October 1901! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs
Age Now 123
I. A. Hafizji - (Director)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 23
Abhilipsa Panda - (Singer)
Lived For 33 Years
Actress Aparna Nair - (TV-Actress)
Age Now 39
Adhvik Mahajan - (TV-Actor)
Age Now 67
Alagappan N. - (Cinematographer)
Age Now 52
Amit Pathak - (TV-Actor)
Lived For 44 Years
Amiya Chakrabarty - (Director)
Age Now 59
Andrew Tiernan - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 35
Aparna Nair - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 48
Aravind Akash - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 33
Arun Prasad - (TV-Actor)
Lived For 81 Years
Asim Basu - (Director)
Age Now 30
Avantika Hari Nalwa - (Movie Actress)
Lived For 73 Years
B B Borkar - (Lyricist)
Age Now 60
Baby Pinky - (Child Artist)
Ben Stiller - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 38
Bhagath Manuel - (Movie Actor)
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