Amitabh Tripathi is a renowned Indian director and producer best known for his Bhojpuri film 'Babuaa.' Amitabh was born on May 13, 1961, in Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Business/Commerce from the University of Mumbai in 1980. He always had an interest in films and documentaries, and to follow his passion, he opened a company 'Indovision Media' in 1987. In 2016, he directed a Bhojpuri film titled 'Babuaa' starring Manu Krishna Manu Krishna is an actor famous for his role of Bh >> Read More... , Kantika Mishra Kantika Mishra is an Indian actress who mainly wor >> Read More... , and Surendra Pal Best known for his roles as Dronacharya in Mahabha >> Read More... . The music of this film, given by Ravindra Jain Ravindra Jain was an Indian lyricist and music dir >> Read More... , gained a lot of appreciation as people have never heard this type of Bhojpuri music.
Also, he received praise for the story and direction of this movie, which was an innocent and beautiful love story amidst the fear of terrorism and its struggles. Indovision Media contributes mainly to the production of short films and documentaries. It prioritizes educational films and movies with a social message. Besides being a director and producer, he excels as a content writer covering environmental, agricultural, current affairs, and social subjects. He has overall produced 210 documentaries and 2 Bhojpuri films, with other serials and TV shows. He has worked with several operators, Bhopal Doordarshan, DD Sahyadri, Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation, and Anjan Television.