Ganga Jamuna is an intriguing, engaging, heartwarming, and captivating Indian drama series online on the YouTube channel of Bhojpuri Dangal. It has 1 season and 480 episodes that aired online on It was originally written and telecasted in Bhojpuri in 2013. The show is written by Dheeraj Sarna Dheeraj Sarna is an Indian television actor, produ >> Read More... , has a screenplay by Mahesh Pandya, is directed by Rajesh Tripathi Rajesh Tripathi was a popular Indian Actor, writer >> Read More... , has dialogues by Sanjay Tripathi With this debut directorial venture, ‘Club 60’, Sa >> Read More... and Mukesh Trivedi, is narrated by Chattarva, and is produced by Balaji Telecom. It stars many other newcomers along with other experienced actors. The genres of the show are lighthearted, heartwarming, fictional, sisterly love, and family drama. The main plot revolves around two sisters, Ganga and Jamuna, who live in the holy city of Kashi with a very conservative and traditional background. Ganga is a very simple, honest, pure-hearted, and traditional girl, whereas Jamuna is a smart, modern, straightforward, but kind-hearted person.
The show starts with a heartwarming and beautiful song titled Ganga ke dil me Jamuna, Jamuna ke dil me Ganga, to give us a glimpse of how the show portrays love, bond, and affection between two sisters who live in a joint family. The story revolves around Ganga and Jamuna, two sisters from a poor family, who are inseparable. They both are each other's support system and adore each other. Ganga, the elder sister, is beautiful, simple, polite, and intelligent, while Jamuna is kind-hearted, straightforward, smart, and talented. Their lives take a dramatic and sudden turn when their families arrange their marriages. Ganga is married to Vijay, who is a wealthy businessman, while Jamuna is married to Kumar, a poor but hardworking farmer. So later on, Vijay's family, particularly his mother, disapproves of Ganga as she is from a humble background, treats her poorly, and creates trouble from time to time in her daughter's life.
Meanwhile, Kumar's family faces financial struggles, and Jamuna has to work hard to support them. As the series continues, both of the sisters go through multiple issues in their new lives. They face various challenges, including social class differences, family conflicts, and personal struggles, due to which their bond weakens, but they still miss each other deeply after many twists and turns. The biggest problem arrives in their lives when Ganga and Jamuna face their biggest challenges when Vijay's family accuses Ganga of infidelity and Kumar's farm is destroyed in a natural disaster. The sisters come together to support each other and find a way to overcome their struggle. Watch it further on the Bhojpuri Dangal YouTube channel to follow more of their story.