The Castle: Aik Umeed is a 2001 Pakistani Urdu-language television drama series that premiered on channel PTV Home. The show was produced by Tasmina Sheikh under the banner of Elysée Productions. It was beautifully scripted by Haseena Moin Haseena Moin born on November 20, 1941, in Kanpur, >> Read More... and directed by Zulfiqar Sheikh Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . Talented actors Talat Hussain Talat Hussain Warsi is a Pakistani artist. His par >> Read More... , Samina Ahmad Samina is a Pakistani actress, director, producer, >> Read More... , Shakeel, Shagufta Ejaz Shagufta Ejaz is a very famous Pakistani actress. >> Read More... , Bilal Ahmad, Humayun Saeed Humayun Saeed has been known famously across Pakis >> Read More... , Asma Anwar, Nayyar Ejaz, Tasmina Sheikh, and Rehan Sheikh Rehan Sheikh is a Pakistani actor, director, an ex >> Read More... were featured in pivotal roles in the show. One interesting fact about the show is that the Scottish politician Alex Salmond has a brief non-speaking cameo as a ghost at one point! Aik Umeed in english means- ‘A hope.’ The title of the show beautifully captures the whole essence of it.
The show follows the characters’ lives, who are Pakistani immigrants to Scotland, as they go about their daily routine while also surviving the twists and turns that life throws at them. It is challenging to adapt oneself to a whole new country, climate, and community. The family drama series presents the beauty of Pakistan, as well as Scotland, as both of them are uniquely wonderful in their own way.