Tanhai, a 2013 Pakistani television drama series aired on Hum TV. It was first aired on 27 February 2013 and went off-air on 10 July 2013. The serial was directed by Fahim Burney Fahim Burney is a filmmaker and television directo >> Read More... and written by Sarwat Nazeer. It was produced by Syed Afzal Ali Syed Afzal Ali is a prominent producer of films an >> Read More... and Momina Duraid  A phenomenal producer and a brilliant director, >> Read More... . The serial starred, Sohai Ali Abro Sohai Ali Abro was born in Lahore, Pakistan on 13t >> Read More... , Goher Mumtaz Goher Mumtaz is a vocalist in Pakistan who has act >> Read More... , Azfar Rehman Azfar Rehman was born on 7th July 1984 in Karachi. >> Read More... , Ayesha Omar, and Saba Hameed Previously known as Saba Pervaiz, Saba Hameed is t >> Read More... as the main cast. It also aired in India on Zindagi with the same name.
It revolves around the complexities in various relationships as love, sacrifice, misunderstandings, and emotional challenges one faces in his life and the familial and societal pressure that follows. The drama revolves around Faiz and Arzoo who are married to each other, Arzoo wanting to be a working woman leaves Faiz after they have two children and marries Mohsin who promises to give her everything. Seeing Faiz broken his mother asks him to marry Jia, who is unaware of Faiz's past. At first, she is devastated by the truth but later both Faiz and the children accept her.
After Arzoo learns about the happy life Faiz is living, she gets jealous and wants Faiz back, so she follows Faiz to his honeymoon and also frames Jia showcasing her affair with her cousin Zubair, after which Faiz leaves Jia. But later on, learning the truth, Faiz accepts Jia back and also Mohsin having an affair with Arzoo's friend cheats on her, and leaves her. In the end, devastated Arzoo returns home crying. The serial throws light on the importance of communication and trust in order to maintain a healthy relationship. It showcases Arzoo's struggle to find a happy relationship which ends up making her alone and lonely as the name Tanhai.Â