Ek Tamanna Lahasil Si is a family drama series aired by HUM TV. The story is about Nadia, a sweet and naïve girl, who marries her cousin Mohsin after he falls in love with her at his sister’s wedding. However, Mohsin's mother, Ruqaiyya, does not like their marriage and wants Nadia to stay away from her son. She treats Nadia very badly and tortures her, and ruins her married life. Mohsin, who always follows his mother, pushes Nadia away when she gets pregnant and denies being the father of her child. The story follows Nadia as she deals with her difficult life. This show stars Kulsoon Malik, Qaiser Naqvi Qaiser Naqvi is a Pakistani TV actress and is a do >> Read More... , Babar Khan Babar Khan aka Babar Khan Durrani is a talented ar >> Read More... , Hassan Niazi Hassan Niazi is an Actor and a Model belonging to >> Read More... , and more.Â