Soha Aur Savera is a Pakistani romantic family drama in Urdu. It originally aired on Geo Kahani from August 15, 2018, to October 27, 2018. Later, on Geo TV, it was televised as Mera Dard Bayzuban. It stars Ayesha Omer Ayesha Omer is a versatile actress, from the Pakis >> Read More... and Sonya Hussain as the protagonists. This serial depicts the two parts of our society, which are poles apart. One part contains extreme religious people, and the other contains ultra-modern people. Both stand firmly proud of their respective beliefs and consider the other party. It shows how people have to change their goals, dreams, and even themselves for the sake of others, especially women. They generally sacrifice their happiness for their loved ones. Similarly, Soha and Savera dreamt of a bright and happy future. However, they did not get what they hoped for. Ayesha Omer played the character of Soha, and Sonya Hussain acted as Savera in this serial.