Shaam se Pehle is an Urdu TV series that premiered its first episode in the year 2021 on the Pakistani channel PTV Home. The show stars two main protagonists, Zain and Alina, who are from different backgrounds but fall in love, forgetting their very backgrounds and being connected by destiny. The character of Zain is played by Ali Rehman Khan The fresh and young sensation of Pakistani film an >> Read More... , and the character of Alina is played by Hiba Bukhari Bio coming soon...  Hiba Bukhari Family Tree (I >> Read More... . The producers of this romantic drama are Momina Duraid  A phenomenal producer and a brilliant director, >> Read More... and Abdullah Kadwani Abdullah Kadwani is a Pakistani actor, producer, a >> Read More... . In the series, Zain is a rich businessman who, because of family connections, is engaged to Ayesha, whom he has known since childhood. Zain has everything in life now: money, a fiancee, and a business.
Yet he seems to not be satisfied with his life. At the same time, Alina is a common girl living as a saleswoman in a clothing store. Alina and Zain meet for the first time in the clothing store and fall in love at first sight after witnessing her joyful behavior. Zain and Alina start dating each other, and slowly Zain’s fiancee learns about the relationship between Zain and Alina. What do you think will happen next? Will Zain and Alina tackle this problem happily? Will there be a happy ending? Or will Zain neglect his feelings to save his family's reputation? Watch the whole show to learn more on the TV channel PTV Home.
Another Version of the Serial...
Shaam se Pehle is an Urdu TV series that premiered its first episode in the year 2021 on the Pakistani channel named PTV Home. The show stars two main protagonists, Zain and Alina, who are from different statuses and they fall in love forgetting their very backgrounds. The character of Zain is played by Ali Rehman Khan, and the nature of Alina is played by Hiba Bukhari. The producers of this romantic drama are Momina Duraid and Abdullah Kadwani.
In the series, Zain is a wealthy businessman, who because of family connections is engaged to Ayesha who he has known since childhood. Zain has everything now in life money, a fiancee, and a business. Yet he seems not to be satisfied with his life. At the same time, Alina is an ordinary girl living as a saleswoman in a clothing store. Alina and Zain meet eyes for the first time in the clothing store and fall in love at first sight after witnessing her positive behaviors.
Zain and Alina start dating each other, and slowly, Zain’s fiancee learns about the relationship between Zain and Alina. What do you think will happen next? Will Zain and ALina tackle this problem happily? Will there be a happy ending? Or will Zain neglect his feelings to save his family's reputation? Watch the entire show to learn more on the TV channel PTV Home