Nawabzadiyaan is a Pakistani family drama TV serial that aired on Express Entertainment. The story revolves around a family and three sisters. The three sisters live with a single parent and are raised with extreme love and care. The plot circles around their respective and individual love life and also their bond. The three sisters are married and are completely different from each other. The youngest one is a bundle of joy and is everyone’s favorite, the second one is a girl who lives in her dreams and the oldest one is very stubborn and rigid. They have clashing personalities but still share a bond that is visible in the serial. They are indulged in their individual love lives and situations. The cast includes Rizwan Jafry, Fazaila Lashari, Adnan Sahh Tipu, Hajira Khan, Fawwad Jalal, Maira Khan Pakistani actress Maira Khan is known for her role >> Read More... , Yasir Shoro Born in Hyderabad, Yasir Shoro is a resident of Ka >> Read More... , and many more.