Naraaz is an Urdu serial aired on ARY Digital from 2015 to 2016. It is a romantic drama that happens around the lives of Azlan and Fariha, a couple forced to deal with the consequences of Azlan’s arrogance and pride. Azlan is a successful businessman who is used to getting his way. He is arrogant and proud, and he often puts his own needs before the needs of his family. Fariha, on the other hand, is a kind and compassionate woman who is always willing to help others. Azlan’s business fails, forcing him to move in with Fariha’s parents. This is a massive blow to his pride, and he struggles to accept his new reality. He becomes resentful of Fariha and her family, and he begins to take his anger out on them.
Fariha is patient and understanding at first, but she ultimately reaches her breaking point. She stands up to Azlan and tells him that he needs to change. Azlan is initially resistant, but he eventually realizes that he needs to make a change if he wants to save his marriage. Naraaz is a well-written and well-acted drama that explores the themes of pride, arrogance, and forgiveness. It is a powerful story that will stay with you long after watching it.