A new drama series called Meray Hi Rehna aired on ARY Digital TV. This drama premiered on May 8th, 2023, and aired Monday through Friday at 8:00 PM. This drama's story revolves around the lives of two sisters named Ruhi and Beena. After meeting for the first time, Junaid falls in love with Beena, and the two eventually get married. Ruhi, on the other hand, is disappointed that her sister chose to marry a successful and attractive man.
The TV serial directed by Mohsin Mirza Mohsin Mirza is a Pakistani director. He was born >> Read More... and Mamoona Aziza is produced by Abdullah Seja Abdullah Seja is a Pakistani television producer. >> Read More... under Big Bang Entertainment production house. The main cast of Meray Hi Rehna consists of actress Areej Mohyudin Areej Mohyudin is a Pakistani actress and model. S >> Read More... , Kiran Haq Kiran Haq is an actress in the Pakistan Television >> Read More... , and actors Syed Jibran and Shehroz Sabzwari  Shehroz Sabzwari is one the finest actor and mo >> Read More... . The drama also features several supporting cast members who play important roles, including actress Arooba Mirza, ZoyaNasir, Aamna Aslam, actor Subhan Awan, Babar Ali Babar Ali is a television and film actor who was b >> Read More... , and many others.