Laapata is a Pakistani television drama series that aired in 2021. The show focuses on the lives of Geeti and Shams, who come from diverse backgrounds but are attracted to each other. Geeti is a young girl, full of life, and enjoys every moment. However, Shams is an introverted man who struggles to control his feelings. Despite being opposites, they share a deep bond, and as they get to know each other better, they fall in love. However, their love is forbidden because their families are fierce rivals who have not been on good terms for years. Geeti and Shams must keep their relationship a secret and face several challenges. They are confused between their love for each other and their loyalty to their family. Further, Geeti discovers that her father is involved in illegal activities that could threaten her life.
On the other hand, Shams get betrayed by his family, who are willing to do anything to end his relationship with Geeti. Despite all the obstacles, Geeti and Shams fight for their love and to be together. The show deals with themes of love, sacrifice, and family ties. It emphasizes how love can overcome all the obstacles of society and family. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the acting is top-notch. Ayeza Khan Ayeza Khan was born on January 15, 1991 in Karachi >> Read More... plays Geeti, a free-spirited and independent girl who is unafraid to speak her mind.
Ali Rehman Khan The fresh and young sensation of Pakistani film an >> Read More... plays Shams, a reserved, stoic man who loves Geet but struggles to control his feelings. On the other hand, Sarah Khan Best known for her role in Bari Apa, Sarah Khan is >> Read More... plays Falak, a childhood friend of Shams who has feelings for him but cannot express them. Gohar Rasheed Gohar Rasheed’s full name is Mirza Gohar Rasheed, >> Read More... plays Daniyal, Geeti's cousin who is obsessed with her and will do anything to get her. He is the show's antagonist, who creates hurdles for Geeti and Shams' love story. In conclusion, "Laapata" is an engaging and emotional drama that keeps viewers hooked till the end. It shows the power of love, and the lengths people are willing to go to protect it. The show got appreciated for its strong performances, engaging story, and realistic portrayal of human relationships.