Khalish is a Pakistani drama series premiered on Hum Tv on February 14, 2018. Syed Ali Raza Usama directed it, Aijaz Aslam Aijaz Aslam, an actor by profession, was born on O >> Read More... produced it, and Imran Ali Safir Bio coming soon... >> Read More... wrote it. Faisal Qureshi Faisal Qureshi is a well-known Pakistani anchor an >> Read More... , Asif Raza Mir Asif Raza Mir is a producer and actor in the Pakis >> Read More... , and Sunita Marshall This charming model was born in Lahore, Pakistan i >> Read More... are the main actors. It's a revenge drama. It aired from February 14 to August 19, 2018.
Supporting actors included Aliya Ali, Kamran Jilani, Tanveer Jamal, Zainab Qayyum, Faraz Farooqui, and many more.
It tells the story of a boy's mother who is left alone to raise her child because her husband's family does not accept her because of her low social status. She faces numerous challenges while raising her son Sahil. She faces numerous challenges, from providing all his necessities to his education. Later, she became ill, and his father Altamash took custody, having already had two children from another marriage. After his mother died, problems developed between Sahil and his father.