Dil Banjaara, was previously entitled Gypsy, is a Pakistani Television drama serial aired on the Channel Hum TV on 14 October 2016. Siraj-ul-Haque directs this serial written by Faiza Iftikhar Faiza Iftikhar is a Pakistani novelist, screenwrit >> Read More... and produced by Momina Duraid  A phenomenal producer and a brilliant director, >> Read More... under the production house MD Productions. It starred Adnan Malik Adnan Malik is a multi-talented man of Pakistani o >> Read More... , Sanam Saeed Sanam Saeed is a British - Pakistani actress who i >> Read More... , and Mira Sethi Mira Sethi was born to Najam Sethi, who is the hos >> Read More... in prominent roles.
The story is about a girl, Nida, who has a lot of dreams as she wants to travel the whole world, write poetry, and live carefree without any tension. But, she has a lot of responsibilities as she lives with a physically challenged father, a mentally weak mother, and a strict Tayi, and she has a Phupho who wants Nida to marry as early as possible. Nida has other plans, though. During the trip to Nepal, she meets Sikander, who shares the same passions as Nida. He lives with his aunt, Mehtab.