Badnaseeb was a Pakistani daily soap opera in Urdu. It aired on Hum TV from November 15, 2021, to February 5, 2022. Its writer was Jahanzeb Qamar Jahanzeb Qamar is a scriptwriter and drama writer >> Read More... , and the director was Haseeb Ali Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . It stars Samina Ahmed, Kamran Jeelani, Maria Malik Model and actress, Maria Malik hails from Pakistan >> Read More... , Danial Khan, and Sana Nadir Sana Nadir Shah is an emerging Pakistani model and >> Read More... in pivotal roles.
This serial depicts the harsh reality of our society- the daughters are still burdens, and the sons are eligible for all the love and respect.
Its story revolves around a family of five. It consists of a father, a grandmother, and three siblings. The mother is dead, and the father and the grandmother are bringing them up. Dua and Sila are sisters and the daughters of the household. They are hated by their father just because they are girls. However, their brother Shani gets all the love and respect from his father. Saeed considers them unlucky and often ridicules and discourages them. Constant despair, gloom, and past trauma have made Dua’s life dark. So, how she moves towards the light is the essence of the episodes of this serial.