Akbari Asgari is a Pakistani comedy-drama TV serial that aired on HUM TV. The story revolves around the life of two sisters Asgari and Akbari. They have spent their entire childhood and adult life abroad with their father. Their father is a cab driver and wants them to marry his nephews Akbar and Asgar. Akbari always tries to appear as a good person and wants to stay in the good books of her parents. Whereas, Asgari is not scared of not being in anyone’s good books and chooses to do whatever she wants. Akbari likes a Christian boy named Roger but still agrees to the marriage because she wants to remain her image of being a good daughter. Akbari senses an opportunity to escape the house and meet Roger.
When she goes to meet him she discovers him with a girl. When she asked him about the girl, he tells her that the girl is his wife. This revelation shocks Akbari and she returns home. Because of this incident, she accepts the proposal offered by her father and decides to marry Akbar. Later in the village, Akbar refuses to marry Akbari as she is too modern for him and he wanted a wife who will be equally religious as him.