Aik Nayee Cinderella is a Pakistani drama television serial aired on Geo TV in the year 2012 every Saturday. The drama is based on a novel by Faiza Iftikhar Faiza Iftikhar is a Pakistani novelist, screenwrit >> Read More... and directed by Haissam Hussain Haissam Hussain is a Pakistani television and film >> Read More... , starring Maya Ali Maya Ali is a Pakistani actress, model and a video >> Read More... , Osman Khalid Butt Osman Khalid Butt is known as Orlando Bloom of Pak >> Read More... and Faizan Khawaja Faizan Khawaja is a Pakistan television actor. He >> Read More... . It was released on 13 October 2012 with the production of A & B Entertainment. A young girl, Isha, who lives with her stepmother, falls in love with a handsome man, Mayer. Jealous of Isha's beauty, her stepmother plans to keep them apart. The story is about Meesha, who lives with her two stepsisters and stepmother. She is abused by her stepmother and does all the housework alone. Meesha meets the rich and dashing Mayer. Meesha thinks he is her handsome prince, who rescues her, puts an end to all her problems, and tries to win his heart.