This program is yet to be aired on Maa TV from ‘12th’ December. This show participants take a long route to the hot seat. This show is to be hosted by Chiranjeevi. It is to be aired from Monday to Thursday at 8.30pm. The show is being produced by Synergy Productions. Initially, one question must be answered through SMS. Then, seven questions should be answered to get to the auditions before the deadline. The right answer will promote to the next question. At the audition, there is a simple and easy round. This round would be rapid and is usually noted as “the fastest finger first”. The questions will be easy and would require the participant to arrange the given options in ascending or descending order. People above eighteen are eligible for participation. Replacement of the participant in the absence of one is not allowed. People share their background and often play for a cause. Celebrities were invited to play for social causes.
This show is predominantly a challenge for one’s intelligence. The host captivates people by his personality and ensures entertainment with intellectual knowledge. The past three seasons were hosted energetically by Nagarjuna. This season is expected to be hosted by Mega Star Chiranjeevi. The promo was appreciated for the wonderful shots by cinematographer Rathnavelu.
This show is veritably a remake of Hindi Crorepati often referred as Kaun Banega Crorepati. The questions will test the general knowledge of the individual and have multiple choice question pattern. A total of fifteen questions will decide the winner. The first query holds a cash price of thousand rupees. The cash prize increases with successive questions. The first five questions can be taken 30 seconds to answer and the next five will be given forty-five seconds. The last set of queries doesn’t have any time limits. The fifth question and the tenth question are considered the safe zones since players will not lose the cash prize. Elimination at this point will send the players with the saved money. The player has three options to choose if he/she doesn’t know the answer. This privilege is known as life-line. The first option is to turn to the audience. The player can decide the answer with audience help through voting. The second option is to phone a friend. Three friends must be arranged before the start of the show. A call that extends to 30 seconds can be done to exchange question and answer. The third option is Double Dip where the player must select two answers for one question. The old seasons had large scale viewers and this season is also expected to have mass appeal.