It is a Telugu comedy show which airs on Gemini movies and Today TV. The serial is solely based on the theme of comedy and laughter. The show timings are from 5 pm to 6 pm. This daily dose of morning laughter makes people happy and all ready to face the tough challenges in their life in the day ahead. Thus, in turn, helps in improving the health of the folks. The show is useful to watch and mainly by the people who are not so happy in their lives and live under a lot of tension.
The story is based on the compilation of the Telugu movies which they make fun off and thus leaves the audience fall off their seats, and made split them into two. The different plot line every day also does not make the viewers bored and thus the interest in watching the show remains the same. They see it with the same enthusiasm and like watching it. Then they make fun and create something new every time so that their viewers love watching their each and every episode. Thus based on comedy genre the main aim of the show is to make people happy and teaches them that smile is an important part of our life.
Thus with their punch lines and the way they crack jokes, it makes up to one of the favourite shows in the audience. Unlike other comedy shows been telecast in the country, Comedy Hungama ​ is the only show been aired in Telugu language others being in Hindi or English. It is the show which can be watched by people from all the age groups and can enjoy themselves. Unlike other comedy shows which were telecasted on the TV  this  show was  soon called off. Because they were not running well and thus failed miserably, Comedy Hungama is something different which the viewers liked watching it and attracts them to see its each and every episode at such a time when people are running after the success in their life. The show is so successful that it is still running and has made the schedule telecast its episodes beforehand.
Thus the reaction from the spectators has led to the success of the show and has helped it in earning so much of TRP in the today’s television era where everyone is trying to come up with a different and unique story for their serials.