“Thirai Vimarsanam” is a Tamil TV show telecasted in Sun TV. The show is a review of recently released or yet to be released Tamil movies. The show is aired on Sunday mornings. Sun TV is a Tamil television channel launched in 1993 by the Sun TV network. It is owned by KalanidhiMaran, who is the director of the Sun group. He is also a relative of the previous Tamil Nadu chief minister, M Karunanidhi. The Sun TV is one of the most viewed entertainment channels in India. It has broadcasts in several foreign countries such as United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and Sri Lanka. The channel has a variety of programs to offer to the audience. They include TV serials such as “ Valli Valli series is a story that portrays the courage >> Read More... ”, “ Vamsam Click to look into! >> Read More... ”, and “ Naagini Naagini is an Indian Television Show of Drama genr >> Read More... ”, entertainment programs, reality shows such as “Sun Singer”.
It hosts “Sun Kudumbum Awards” to celebrate outstanding performances in the Tamil film industry. It is also the owner of the IPL team Sunrisers Hyderabad. Sun TV also hosts a show called “ Nijangal Everyone has problems in their life; some problems >> Read More... ” that solves family issues faced by the audience. The channel also airs latest movies of the Tamil film industry and organises special programs on festivals. “ThiraiVimarsanam” airs a review of Tamil movies that have hit the theatres. It shows clips from the films which describes the unique features of the movie. The show believes that any work of art has to be appreciated and the show fulfils the promise.The show is hosted by Ratna who is aTamil TV anchor.
The show focuses on the genre of the movie, features of the film, and the target audience.The movie is critically analysed, and the drawbacks of the film are laid before the audience. The show also voices viewer’s opinions on the movie. The viewers are given a chance to call and discuss the negative and positive aspects of the film.This kind of a TV show helps the audience make an informed decision about the newly released movies. The clips showed also creates an air of suspense among the viewers.
Along with the movie review, the anchor also comments on the performances of the movie stars, and the previous roles played by them. They also discuss on the success of the film and its reasons. The show also focuses on the music of the movie and if the songs have been successful. It also praises the work of the director and the team that created the movie.