Nigazhvugal is a news based show in the Tamil language that airs on the channel Captain TV. The channel is a 24-hour entertainment channel in the Tamil Nadu region under the network of Captain Media. Captain Media is owned by a political party in the state named Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam. The show is telecasted everyday of the week, for half an hour. The show airs at 10:00 p.m. IST. Nigazhvugal is an infotainment show. The show showcases the current affair of the state of Tamil Nadu. The show gives updates on any big event that is happening in the state.
The issue could be any political issue or a social issue, Nigazhvugal captures in all and brings it to the audience sitting at home. The show does not have a particular host or a setup in a studio. The host reports the incident from behind the camera. The show, not only captures the incident but also the impact of the incident on human life and what the public must say about it. The show interviews random people from the public who put forth their views on camera. In the case of political issues, the show also takes bites from politicians and eminent personalities.
There is nothing superficial about the show. News reports, sometimes, tend to get a little exaggerated or become dramatic. But this show mirrors exactly what is happening around the state. The show goes out there and captures the true, raw, form of public grievances or social gatherings or mobs. For, e.g., the show reported about the flood that hit the city of Chennai in the year 2016. The show went on the streets and captured the grief and pain of the people, live.
Their loses, their troubles, how they were having troubles in transportation and how the basic essentials had become impossible to get, all of this was brought forth in this show in its true form, without any cuts or edits. The show talked to the people who were majorly affected by the flood and what kind of help they were expecting from the government. The show is like a representative of the common man and their issues, which the big shots in the business seem to overlook very easily. This is a major reason why the show is very popular amongst the audience, as it shows the ‘real’ reality. The show started telecasting in the year 2012 and is still in the running. The show is almost close to completing 2000 episodes.