Azhwargal Arulamudham is a Tamil devotional show that began airing on Jaya TV in October 2015. The show mainly appeals to devotees of Lord Vishnu with several readings and explanations of the Nalayira Divya Prabandham. The Nalayira Divya Prabandham is a sacred text composed by 12 poetic Saints often referred to as Azhwars who devoted their lives to the worship of Lord Vishnu. And, the collection of their songs of devotion are found in the works of the Nalayira Divya Prabandham. It contains more than 4000 verses of utmost importance in the Tamil-speaking world and have contributed a great amount to religion in these regions.
With his excellent skills of oration, the show is narrated by Shriman Velukkudi Krishnan. The concept of Azhwars and their teachings in sermons that last for 15 minutes is explained in the most enticing fashion. The show begins by naming the twelve azhwars ie. Thiruvarangathu Amudhanaar, Aandaal, Kulasekara alvar, Thirumalisai Azhwar, Thondaradippodi Azhwar, Thiruppaan Azhwar, Madhurakavi Azhwar, Thirumangai Azhwar, Poigai Azhwar, Bhoothathalvar, Nammalvar and Periyalvar, whose diverse origins know no caste. The periods of their existence are currently a matter of speculation but dates back to a timeline Before Christ. The text deals with the devotion of not only Vishnu, but his various forms that include a display of their devotion to Lord Krishna.
In addition to their worship of Vishnu, the Azhwars also played a hand in ensuring the proliferation of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The hymns are also a regular instalment in temples during the time of festivities, sung by all devotees to the deity. The historical significance of the teachings cannot go amiss since they played an integral role in the Bhakti Movement in Tamil speaking regions of India. The purpose of the program is not only to deliver these hymns but also to explain their importance. For example, some of the hymns speak of an ideal time for devotion to Lord Vishnu, while others speak of attaining eternal bliss and happiness through prayer. A large part of religion consists of understanding ancient teachings. This show bridges the gap between the words of sacred texts and their application in the modern world. The explanation is relatable to all age groups.