"Tula Pahate Re" is a romantic drama serial telecasted on Zee Marathi. It focused on the life and relationship of Isha and Vikram Saranjame. Isha is a young woman from a small middle-class family, born and brought up in Mumbai by her parents, Pushpa and Arun. On the other hand, Vikram is an established, wealthy, middle-aged, widowed businessman. Somehow, they meet each other, and soon Vikram falls in love with Isha, starting to court her hereafter. They begin to spend time together, and after a few months, Isha starts to fall for him. Regardless of the age difference, Vikram convinces Isha to marry him. However, after the marriage, things begin to become darker. Isha finds out that Vikram's former wife was given the property's deed, leaving Vikram with nothing. Isha remembers her past life when she went by the name of Rajnandini. Rajnandini was the wife of Vikram, who was killed by the latter because she tried to expose him as a fraud. Having remembered all of her past life, Isha finds a dark side of Vikram. Vikram intended to convince everyone that Isha was the reincarnation of his former wife so that they may sign the deed with her name on it. Isha realizes that even though Vikram hated Rajnandini, he loves Isha. But, he wanted to get the property in his name using Isha. It is soon revealed that Vikram is the real criminal who murdered his former wife for the property, and Isha is truly the reincarnated form of his dead wife. Isha manages to expose his plans and his crimes by finding out the property papers, which leads him to commit suicide by falling off the same balcony where he pushed Rajnandini to her death, the whole thing being rather poetic. How Isha deals with the situation constitutes the rest of the series. The serial became famous in its initial days, which later paved the way for its Bengali dubbed version, which gained popularity within a few days after its release.