Mrs Mukhyamantri (2019) is a family drama that aired on Zee Marathi. The Gujarati series is directed by Harish Shirke. It is produced by Sanjay Khambe Sanjay Khambe is a writer, director, and producer, >> Read More... and Shweta Shinde Born in Satara, this diva is a scholar turned acto >> Read More... under the banner of Vajra productions. This 294-episode serial stars Tejas Barve Tejas Barve is a Marathi actor. He is known for hi >> Read More... and Amruta Dhongade Amruta Manikrao Dhongade, an Indian model and acto >> Read More... in lead roles. The plot follows the story of Suman Suresh More, a small-town woman who works hard for a living. As fate decides it, she gets married to Samarsingh Mantri-Patil, a pilot. But Samar’s mother, Anuradha, hopes to be named Mrs Mukhyomantri. Being unsuccessful in doing so, she guides her son into politics.
This fiction plot follows the life of Suman as she handles daily aspects from the viewpoint of the wife of the chief minister. The series is an instant hit for the subtle and rightfully placed comic elements with an underlying public message to every incident. This show manipulates and evaluates human traits and highlights the importance of an educated and informed society.MrsMukhyomatri represents the secret desire to be in power or to be respected for the existence of fear.